This is a sketch of a Kei car that was "inspired by" the Sketch fight competitions held by www.cardesign.ru. Starting from several weeks ago the website started those one-hour daily sketch fights in which I was really eager to partecipate. The only problem's that they are held at 22.00 Moscow time which was 3.00 before the 25.10 and is 4.00 after the 25th (Japan dosen't switch to summer/winter time). So it's really not doable for me to take part in those competitions unfortunately; but couple of times I did draw some sketches following the brief of those sketch fights afterwards. One of the assignments was a Japanese Kei car. "My brief!",- I thought and did this sketch the next day.
Here's the link to the current sketch fight fase which is about to be over on Saturday:
It becomes more & more interesting! The sketch level's going up. And since several days ago Mr.D.Zyubyairov (http://zyubyairov.blogspot.com) started to take part in the fights, the only thing I can say is: BEWARE!!!
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